Now uses the new Binary Fortress Software standard icons
No longer shows an error for every failed sync
General performance, compatibility and UI improvements
v3.0.4 • January 31, 2014
"ClipboardFusion Online" is now called "Clipboard Syncing"
New HotKey: "Manage synced recent/pinned items"
Scrubbed times being detected as HTML colour codes
General performance, compatibility and UI improvements
v3.0.3 • October 16, 2013
Growl for Windows" compatibility improvements
New recent items are no longer hidden when you have more than 1000 items
v3.0.2 • October 7, 2013
Added "Growl for Windows" integration (enabled by default if you have Growl for Windows installed)
Deleted "Text Replace" items no longer reappear
Small performance and stability improvements
v3.0.1 • September 11, 2013
Zero-length strings are no longer synced with ClipboardFusion Online
v3.0 • August 21, 2013
Added the current text scrubbing mode to the Tray Icon Tool Tip
Improved double-copy sensitivity controls
Improved Online Item management
Selecting a Clipboard History Item now moves it to the top of the Clipboard History
Added a timestamp to the history menu tool tips
A history menu item that contains HTML or BBCode now has a different icon for quick reference
Increased the Clipboard History item limit from 50 to 300
Improved Clipboard History functionality
Added an option to import and export ClipboardFusion macros to and from a file
Added new MacroAPI functions
Added new HotKey functions
The Quick History Menu can now paste selected items into the previously selected window
Clipboard history in the Quick History Menu can now be searched
Users can now navigate through the Quick History menu by continuously pressing its HotKey
The Quick History Menu now has a link to the settings window
Clipboard history now support images
ClipboardFusion can now Add, Edit, Delete, Pin and Unpin online items from within the application
Pinned Items can now have a short name
Greatly improved the macro editor window
ClipboardFusion now has the ability to install macros directly from ClipboardFusion Online
ClipboardFusion Macros now sync to ClipboardFusion Online
Split the Scrub Whitespace option into two separate scrubbing options: scrub line breaks and scrub white space
A new scrub option has been added: Auto scrub except on double-copy
You can now customize the number of items that are shown in the history menus
Added a Backup Settings button
A single left-click on the ClipboardFusion tray icon now disables or enables auto-scrubbing
Users can now select and de-select individual text replace rules
Resolved an issue with the Macro Editor window when font scaling is enabled
Resolved an issue where duplicated images were being added to the history menu
Resolved an issue when copying data from Excel
Resolved an issue where ClipboardFusion would ignore clipboard changes from certain programs
Recent items will no longer duplicate
Resolved an issue where the Quick History Menu wasn't updating
Resolved an issue where Macros failed to copy text sometimes
Macro HotKeys now bind and unbind successfully
ClipboardFusion no longer locks an image file when cutting and pasting in windows explorer
v2.1 • July 18, 2012
Added a new Macro API function: CFOGetSavedText(int index, out string text)
Added a new Macro API function: GetUserValue(string title, string value, out string text)
Added a new Macro API function: GetLastHistoryText(out string text)
Added a new Macro API function: GetHistoryText(int index, out string text)
Added a new Macro API function: ShowMessageInfo(string message)
Added a new Macro API function: ShowMessageError(string message)
Various bug fixes and UI improvements
v2.0.6 • January 5, 2012
History HotKey menu now shows online recent and pinned items too
Enter key now works for selecting an item in the History menu
The History menu doesn't disappear as quickly when the mouse leaves the menu
General compatibility, performance and stability improvements
v2.0.5 • February 18, 2011
Added a new HotKey: "Show History Menu" for showing the history menu at the current mouse cursor location
The tray context menu now opens on the correct monitor when monitors are stacked vertically
A small bug sometimes caused ClipboardFusion to pause when scrubing, causing some applications to momentarily freeze
Memory and performance improvements
Stability improvements
v2.0.4 • September 3, 2010
Some stability issues have been cleared up
Some UI font scaling issues have been cleared up for people with higher DPI settings
v2.0.3 • August 18, 2010
Changed: Uses a new one-click auto-updater
Changed: Macro test strings are now saved on a per-Macro basis for easier editing/testing later
Changed: Macro editor now has Undo/Redo buttons
Changed: Macro editor test results can now be split horizontally or vertically
Changed: Added an option to toggle tray icon double-click to scrub text
Changed: New MacroAPI Function: RunMacro
Changed: Now easier to select applications to ignore
Fixed: Sometimes using the CopyText or PasteText MacroAPI functions didn't work as expected
Fixed: Sometimes the Macro Editor window wouldn't redraw properly
Fixed: The Escape key no longer closes the Macro Editor window
Fixed: Macros are now sorted properly in the Settings window and the tray context menu
Fixed: Macro editor test string and test results boxes now accept CTRL + A
v2.0.2 • June 21, 2010
Changed: Macro editor window now remembers it's size and location
Changed: Added a "Help" link to the Macro editor window that shows help for the available MacroAPI Functions
Changed: New MacroAPI Function: ClearClipboard
Changed: New MacroAPI Function: CopyText
Changed: New MacroAPI Function: SaveTextToCFO
Changed: The Text Replace "Match Text" now supports special characters (same as the "Replace Text")
Fixed: Logging into the Online service doesn't timeout occasionally under certain conditions anymore
v2.0.1 • June 7, 2010
Changed: Macro editor now has syntax highlighting
Changed: Macro editor now shows line numbers to help with debugging
Changed: Macro editor window is now re-sizable
Changed: Macro editor now supports Visual Basic (VB.Net) as well as C#
Changed: Added a link to the new online Macros section in the Settings window
Changed: When a HotKey can't be set, you now have the option to correct this before closing the Settings window
Changed: Text Replace now supports special characters (new line, tab... etc)
Changed: Added a "Clipboard History" feature that is accessible through the tray icon
Fixed: Disabling auto-scrubbing now stays disabled when re-opening the Settings window
Fixed: No longer clears items from tray context menu when manually refreshing with no changes
Fixed: Double-copy scrubbing now works correctly with Microsoft Excel
v2.0 • May 13, 2010
Changed: Added a new Online service to sync your clipboard with other computers and devices
Changed: Added fully programmable Macros to manipulate the clipboard contents any way you can imagine
Changed: Added 9 new HotKeys for power-users who like to use keyboard shortcuts
Changed: Text scrubbing now lets you scrub white space from the beginning and/or end of the clipboard text
Changed: Text scrubbing now has a double-copy mode, where nothing is scrubbed unless you copy the text twice
Fixed: Tons of bug fixes, no longer mysteriously stops working sometimes
v1.5 • January 18, 2010
Changed: Added an option to ignore empty HTML tags ("<>") when scrubbing HTML tags
Changed: Added an option to play a sound when scrubbing (comes with a default sound, but can be set to any .wav file)
Changed: Added an option to replace matching text strings with other strings (ex: can replace the special quotes from MS Office with normal ASCII quotes)
Changed: Added an optional hotkey to scrub the clipboard
Changed: Added an optional hotkey to toggle automatic scrubbing on/off
Changed: Added the ability to not scrub text put on the clipboard by certain applications (specify the programs on the "Ignore Programs" tab)
Fixed: Fixed some minor threading issues that affected the popup window
v1.4.1 • November 16, 2008
Added: Menu item to show the preview popup window manually
Changed: System tray icon now "lights up" when any data is present on the clipboard, not just text
Fixed: Minor bug in the image saving that prevented the save from happening in rare situations
v1.3.2 • December 4, 2007
Posted updated builds with an installer and zipped version
v1.3.1 • August 15, 2007
Fixed a bug that would cause the "Clear Clipboard" menu option to not do anything
Fixed a bug that would cause an infinite loop (Thanks to Carsten on the Discussions for finding this bug)
Changed the icons (again) to something with more contrast
v1.3 • August 6, 2007
Made the clipboard change detection smarter, so that it won't give so many "scrubbing" notifications
v1.2.1 • July 31, 2007
Double-clicking on the system tray icon scrubs the text on the clipboard