Resolved an issue that caused some UI elements to be incorrectly translated
v5.2 • November 13, 2017
HotKeys will now be bound properly after restoring the Settings
The Clipboard Manager will now center on the Desktop correctly
Triggers will now properly ignore programs on the "Ignore Programs" list
One-key navigation will now properly loop back to the top of the focused list
"Move Down" option for the Online Pinned Item list will now work properly
General fixes and improvements
v5.1.1 • October 6, 2017
You can now use the Clipboard Manager to paste to the Desktop
Pressing Shift+Enter in the Clipboard Manager will now set the Clipboard with the selected item, but not paste
Open Clipboard Manager Tab item in the Tray Menu lists has been moved to the top of the list
Advanced Setting added to allow the first item to be ignored when using One Key Navigation
The "Move Down" option for the Online Pinned Items now works currently
Clipboard Manager Paste Target label now clears properly
Tray Menu Lists now show an empty item when the list is empty
Online Tray Menu Lists are now hidden when using the free version, or when syncing is disabled
The first item can now be selected with One Key Navigation enabled
v5.1 • October 4, 2017
First 10 Items of the Clipboard History added to the tray menu
First 10 Items of the Local Pinned Menu added to the tray menu
Online Recent Items added to the tray menu
Online Pinned Items added to the tray menu
Macros added to the tray menu
HotKey error messages will no longer show when syncing
Duplicate Macro names are no longer allowed
UI Improvements
BFS.Dialog.GetUserInputList has been fixed
Triggers with a scrubbing action will no longer clear the Clipboard when there is no text
The Settings window will no longer stop responding when importing multiple Macros
Menu items in the Preview Popup window are now localized
The tray menu will now open in the correct spot
Default Database Location button in the Settings window now uses the correct path
You can now edit a Macro from the Clipboard Manager
Editing items no longer gets rid of leading and trailing whitespace
General fixes and improvements
v5.0 • September 28, 2017
Notice: ClipboardFusion no longer supports Windows XP or Vista. To use ClipboardFusion with these operating systems, you will need to use an older version of ClipboardFusion
Notice: Now requires the .NET Framework 4.6 (installed automatically if needed)
Change: The Clipboard History Menu and Online Item Manager have been combined as the Clipboard Manager
Change: ClipboardFusion Triggers! Text scrubbing has been replaced by a new and fully customizable feature. Your old settings will be converted automatically.
Change: The default HotKey to open the Clipboard Manager is ctrl+`
Change: ClipboardFusion now supports copying files and folders
Change: The first 10 items in each History list are numbered, and accessible with the number keys
Change: Clipboard History item size has been greatly increased
Change: The Clipboard Manager can be set up to behave as a window
Change: The Clipboard Manager can now type text into a window instead of copying it
Change: You can now customize the single click and double click tray icon actions
Change: The Clipboard History will now retain all entries between application start ups
Change: Added Local Pinned Items
Change: All saved Clipboard Data is now encrypted locally
Change: ClipboardFusion is now fully localized
Change: Major changes to support multi-DPI scaling in Windows 10
Change: Improved Windows 10 compatibility (Anniversary and Creators updates)
Change: You can now drag and drop items from the Clipboard Manager
Change: You can now edit Clipboard History items
Change: New command line options to open the Settings window, and pause or resume the Clipboard Listener (-settings, -pause, -resume)
Change: Shift+Left Click on the Clipboard Manager will set the Clipboard, but not auto-paste
Change: You can now reorder pinned lists by dragging and dropping
Change: The Macro list has been moved into the Clipboard Manager
Change: New tray icons
Change: Text Replace now supports Regular Expressions
Change: Quick Select for Local Pinned and History Menu are now a free feature
Change: The Macro list now show which Macros are being used by Triggers and Tray Click Actions
Change: Macro editor improvements
Change: You can now add your own assemblies to ClipboardFusion Macros
Change: New Macro functions to scrub text
Change: New Macro functions to add/edit/remove items from the Clipboard History, Online Recent, and Online Pinned items
Change: New Macro functions to pause and resume the Clipboard Listener
Change: New Macro functions and Hotkeys for Local Pinned Items
Change: New Macro Functions to access the selected list and selected item in the Clipboard Manager
Change: New HotKey: Clear Clipboard Contents
Change: New HotKey: Pause/Resume ClipboardFusion
Change: New HotKey: Toggle Excel Escape after Copy
Change: New HotKey: Show Default Item Menu
Change: New HotKey: Show Default Item Menu with Query TextBox Focused
Change: New Hotkey: Show Preview Popup
Change: You are now able to download more than one pre-made Macro at a time
Change: Support for the 'Clipboard Viewer Ignore' format
Change: History List tooltips now show the source of the data, and the date it was made
Change: You can now adjust the minimum time ClipboardFusion pays attention to changes on the Clipboard
Change: You can now run Macros from the Clipboard Manager with the item text as the text that gets passed into the Macro
Change: You can now choose to hide the ClipboardFusion Online tabs in the pro version
Change: You can now import and export multiple Macros at a time
Change: You can now disable notifications when pinning an item from a HotKey
Change: The Clipboard Preview now wraps text
Change: "Double Copy" and "Not on Double Copy" trigger command improvements
Change: Clipboard Manager list items that contain only whitespace now have text labelling them as "[Whitespace]"
Change: You can now disable the Clear Clipboard History prompt
Change: The Clipboard Preview Popup now has title text
Change: Better support for transparent images
Fix: Resolved many crashing issues
Fix: Scrub Clipboard and Paste HotKey now pastes every time
Fix: Macro duplicating and editing issues have been resolved
Fix: Online Recent Item list is now updated properly
Fix: Online Syncing Poll Interval setting now works as intended
Fix: Auto-Scrub Except on Double Copy now works
Fix: BFS.ClipboardFusion.RunMacro function now works correctly
Fix: Syncing Macros no longer tries to apply HotKeys to other computers
Fix: Syncing Macros no longer makes duplicates
Fix: Resolved a crashing issue when copying from Microsoft Office programs
Fix: Resolved an issue where you couldn't save an image from the image popup
Fix: Resolved an issue where toggling auto-scrub sometimes failed
Fix: ClipboardFusion will no longer freeze
Fix: ClipboardFusion will no longer cause Excel to show a "Data is too large and will be truncated" error
Fix: The preview popup will now keep the aspect ratio of previewed images
Fix: You will no longer be able to select duplicate single and double click actions
Fix: Sync all Clipboard Text automatically should now work correctly
Fix: "Share your code with the community" link now works
Fix: Excel "Image is too large" error will no longer show when ClipboardFusion is running
Fix: ClipboardFusion now copies data from OneNote correctly
Fix: BFS.Dialog.GetUserInputList will now display correctly
Fix: Online Syncing fixes
v4.2 • December 2, 2015
Added the ability to assign hotkeys for pasting History items 1-9
Clipboard syncing improvements
General UI Improvements
You can now search your Recent and Pinned Clipboard Items
Increased the number of viewable Recent and Pinned Clipboard Items from 50 to 75
You can now preview colours by hovering over them in the Clipboard History
Resolved an issue where the image preview overlapped the tray menu
The ClipboardFusion Online login will no longer be off the screen at high DPI settings
The copy button on the Macros tab in the Settings Window will now work
HTML colours that start with a '#' will now be detected
The "Show a message when clearing the Clipboard History" option will now work correctly
v4.1 • September 14, 2015
Improved the speed of the Popup Window with images
Resolved some DPI scaling issues in Windows 10
Clearing the clipboard will no longer cause issues with images in the Clipboard History
The Tray Icon will now update correctly when selecting Clipboard History and Online Items
Resolved some issues with the Clipboard History menus
v4.0 • September 4, 2015
Fully Windows 10 tested and compatible
ClipboardFusion will now show a preview of the current clipboard contents when middle-clicking the Tray Icon
Added a HotKey to open the Quick History Menu to the first Clipboard History Item
Macros can now have a description
Added the ability to order the Text Replace rules
Added support for per-monitor DPI scaling
Added many new scripting functions
ClipboardFusion can now interact with elevated applications
General stability and performance improvements
Resolved an issue where items sometimes auto-pasted from the tray clipboard history
v3.5 • July 17, 2015
Colours in the tray Clipboard History menu and Quick Clipboard History menu now show a preview
BFSendKey improvements, added a new modifier for Japanese keyboards
Text scrubbing improvements
Syncing improvements
Macros will now import properly
v3.4 • June 15, 2015
Added options to scrub line breaks and tabs from the beginning and end of text
Added a dozen new macro scripting functions
Fixed issues with automatically copying and pasting on 32-bit machines
Fixed an issue where the quick history menu didn't scroll properly
v3.4 • June 16, 2015
Added options to scrub line breaks and tabs from the beginning and end of text
Added a dozen new macro scripting functions
Fixed issues with automatically copying and pasting on 32-bit machines
Fixed an issue where the quick history menu didn't scroll properly
Fixed an issue with sending keypresses
v3.3.1 • May 25, 2015
Fixed up the "Scrub line breaks" and "Scrub tabs" options
Resolved an issue where auto-paste didn't work on some non-English versions of Windows
Resolved an issue that broke macros that use "System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode"
v3.3 • May 20, 2015
Macros that return a null value will not fail, instead they will not modify the Clipboard
New macro API functions
SendKeys improvements
Added an option to clear the Clipboard History after being idle for a time
Added an option to clear the Clipboard after being idle for a time
Added controls to clear all of the Pinned and Recent Online Clipboard Items from your account
v3.2 • March 4, 2015
Added a new hotkey to sync with your ClipboardFusion Online account
Improved BFS.Input.SendKey functionality
Greatly improved macro performance
General UI Improvements
v3.1.1 • January 2, 2015
Improved compatibility with applications that don't release their clipboard locks correctly
Fixed some minor issues
v3.1 • December 18, 2014
Added notifications for new recent and pinned items from other devices
Improved clipboard integration
Improved history menu navigation
v3.0.9 • August 13, 2014
Added an all-new Macro editor, with dozens of new Macro functions to use
v3.0.8 • July 3, 2014
Added a new MacroAPI Function: SendKeys
Significantly improved the Macro Editor window
Adding new sync items quickly no longer skips some items
After 15 failed consecutive login attempts, ClipboardFusion will stop trying to sync until you re-enter your password to prevent your account from being locked on the server
v3.0.7 • June 18, 2014
Resolved an issue that may prevent items from being deleted on the first attempt
Improved UI compatibility when Font Scaling is enabled in Windows
v3.0.6 • June 16, 2014
Added an option to toggle the tray icon single-click for disabling scrubbing
Resolved an issue that prevented some items from being deleted in the "Manage Items" window
Resolved an issue with pasting text into RDP windows