using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
// The 'text' parameter will contain the text from the:
// - Current Clipboard when run by HotKey
// - History Item when run from the History Menu
// The returned string will be:
// - Placed directly on the Clipboard
// - Ignored by ClipboardFusion if it is 'null'
public static class ClipboardFusionHelper
public static string ProcessText(string text)
using(FormExport form = new FormExport())
return null;
private enum ClipboardItemParserStateEnum
Text = 0,
Image = 1,
Files = 2,
private class ClipboardItem
public string Text {get;set;}
public Bitmap Image {get;set;}
public string[] Files {get;set;}
public ClipboardItem()
this.Text = "";
this.Image = null;
this.Files = new string[0];
public ClipboardItem(string text)
this.Text = text;
this.Image = null;
this.Files = new string[0];
public ClipboardItem(string text, Bitmap image, string[] files)
this.Text = text;
this.Image = image;
this.Files = files;
public ListViewItem ToListViewItem()
ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(this.Text);
item.SubItems.Add( (this.Image == null) ? "No" : "Yes" );
item.SubItems.Add( string.Join(", ", this.Files) );
item.Tag = this;
return item;
private class FormExport : Form
private ComboBox cboLists;
private ListView lvItems;
private ColumnHeader colText;
private ColumnHeader colImage;
private ColumnHeader colFiles;
private Button btnExport;
public FormExport()
this.cboLists = new ComboBox();
this.lvItems = new ListView();
this.btnExport = new Button();
this.colText = new ColumnHeader();
this.colImage = new ColumnHeader();
this.colFiles = new ColumnHeader();
this.colText.Text = "Text";
this.colText.Width = 140;
this.colImage.Text = "Has Image";
this.colFiles.Text = "Files";
this.cboLists.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
this.cboLists.Location = new Point(16, 16);
this.cboLists.Size = new Size(296, 21);
this.cboLists.Items.AddRange(new string[]{"History", "Local Pinned", "Recent Online", "Pinned Online"});
this.cboLists.SelectedIndex = 0;
this.cboLists.SelectedIndexChanged += this.cboLists_SelectedIndexChanged;
this.lvItems.Columns.AddRange(new ColumnHeader[] { this.colText, this.colImage, this.colFiles });
this.lvItems.HeaderStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.Nonclickable;
this.lvItems.Location = new Point(16, 48);
this.lvItems.Size = new Size(296, 336);
this.lvItems.View = View.Details;
this.lvItems.FullRowSelect = true;
this.btnExport.Click += this.btnExport_Click;
this.btnExport.Text = "Export Selected Items to a File";
this.btnExport.Location = new Point(16, 392);
this.btnExport.Size = new Size(296, 32);
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(329, 439);
this.Text = "ClipboardFusion Item Exporter";
this.cboLists_SelectedIndexChanged(null, null);
private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string filename;
using(SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog())
dialog.Filter = "ClipboardFusion Item List|*.cfitems";
if(dialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
filename = dialog.FileName;
using(FileStream file = File.OpenWrite(filename))
using(StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(file))
foreach(ListViewItem lvItem in this.lvItems.SelectedItems)
ClipboardItem item = lvItem.Tag as ClipboardItem;
if(item == null)
writer.WriteLine( Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes( item.Text )));
if(item.Image == null)
using(MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
item.Image.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
writer.WriteLine( Convert.ToBase64String(stream.ToArray()));
writer.WriteLine( Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes( string.Join("|", item.Files) )));
BFS.Dialog.ShowMessageInfo("The selected item have been exported from the " + this.cboLists.SelectedItem + " Items list.");
private void cboLists_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string value = this.cboLists.SelectedItem as string;
case "History":
for(int i = 0; i < BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetHistoryItemCount(); i++)
ClipboardItem item = new ClipboardItem(BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetHistoryText(i), BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetHistoryImage(i), BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetHistoryFileList(i));
case "Local Pinned":
for(int i = 0; i < BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetLocalPinnedItemCount(); i++)
ClipboardItem item = new ClipboardItem(BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetLocalPinnedText(i) , BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetLocalPinnedImage(i), BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetLocalPinnedFileList(i));
case "Recent Online":
foreach(string text in BFS.ClipboardFusion.CFOGetAllSavedText())
this.lvItems.Items.Add(new ClipboardItem(text).ToListViewItem());
case "Pinned Online":
foreach(string text in BFS.ClipboardFusion.CFOGetAllPinnedText() )
this.lvItems.Items.Add(new ClipboardItem(text).ToListViewItem());