using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public static class ClipboardFusionHelper
public static string ProcessText(string text)
// Get the selected item index if applicable
int selectedIndex = BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetClipboardManagerSelectedIndex();
// Prompt for the folder path
string folderPath = BFS.Dialog.GetUserInput("Please enter a folder path to save to:", @"%USERPROFILE%\Documents\ClipboardFusion Saved Items\");
folderPath = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(folderPath);
if (!(folderPath.EndsWith(@"\")))
folderPath += @"\";
// Create the folder if needed
if (!(Directory.Exists(folderPath)))
// If run by right-clicking a Clipboard Manager item, check if it's text
if (BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetSelectedListItemContainsText(selectedIndex))
// Prompt for the filename
string fileName = BFS.Dialog.GetUserInput("Please enter the file name for this text:", @"File.txt");
// Check if the file exists and update the filename if needed
fileName = CheckIfFileExists(folderPath, fileName);
// Write the file
File.WriteAllText(folderPath + fileName, BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetSelectedListText(selectedIndex));
// If run by right-clicking a Clipboard Manager item, check if it's an image
else if (BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetSelectedListItemContainsImage(selectedIndex))
// Prompt for the filename
string fileName = BFS.Dialog.GetUserInput("Please enter the file name for this image:", @"File.jpg");
// Check if the file exists and update the filename if needed
fileName = CheckIfFileExists(folderPath, fileName);
// Write the file
BFS.ClipboardFusion.GetSelectedListImage(selectedIndex).Save(folderPath + fileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
// If it's not run by right-clicking a Clipboard Manager item, check if the clipboard contains text
else if (Clipboard.ContainsText())
// Prompt for the filename
string fileName = BFS.Dialog.GetUserInput("Please enter the file name for this text:", @"File.txt");
// Check if the file exists and update the filename if needed
fileName = CheckIfFileExists(folderPath, fileName);
// Write the file
File.WriteAllText(folderPath + fileName, Clipboard.GetText());
// If it's not run by right-clicking a Clipboard Manager item, check if the clipboard contains an image
else if (Clipboard.ContainsImage())
// Prompt for the filename
string fileName = BFS.Dialog.GetUserInput("Please enter the file name for this image:", @"File.jpg");
// Check if the file exists and update the filename if needed
fileName = CheckIfFileExists(folderPath, fileName);
// Write the file
Clipboard.GetImage().Save(folderPath + fileName, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
// Exit the macro
return null;
public static string CheckIfFileExists(string folderPath, string fileName)
if (File.Exists(folderPath + fileName))
int i = 1;
string extension = Path.GetExtension(folderPath + fileName);
string fileNameNoExtension = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
string newFileName = fileNameNoExtension + "0" + i + extension;
while (File.Exists(folderPath + newFileName))
if (i < 10)
newFileName = fileNameNoExtension + "0" + i + extension;
else if (i > 10)
newFileName = fileNameNoExtension + i + extension;
return newFileName;
return fileName;