using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public static class ClipboardFusionHelper
public static string ProcessText(string text)
// Name: Word Count
// Description: Pops up a message box that shows some statistics about the text on the clipboard, such as word count, number of characters, number of lines, etc.
// which message layout do we want to display?
// feel free to add your own layouts below
int intLayout = 1; // possible values are 1 or 2
// create an array of our objects
// you can add more here as needed, but there may be limited space to display the results in the message box that pops
objWordCount[] arrWordCount = new objWordCount[2];
arrWordCount[0] = new objWordCount("Text", text);
arrWordCount[1] = new objWordCount("No HTML Tags", HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Regex.Replace(text, @"<[\w\W]+?>", string.Empty)));
// string used to store our word count message
string strMessage = string.Empty;
// different layouts can be added here
// depending on your OS, you may have to tweak the layouts a little bit
// this is the default layout
// create our word count message
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++)
strMessage +=
(arrWordCount[i].title.ToUpper() + " ").PadRight(50, '\x2013') + "\r\n" +
"Words " + (" " + arrWordCount[i].words.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_') + "\r\n" +
"Characters " + (" " + arrWordCount[i].chars.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_') + "\r\n" +
"Characters (no spaces) " + (" " + arrWordCount[i].charsNoSpaces.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_') + "\r\n" +
"Characters (no breaks) " + (" " + arrWordCount[i].charsNoBreaks.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_') + "\r\n" +
"Characters (no breaks or spaces) " + (" " + arrWordCount[i].charsNoSpacesBreaks.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_') + "\r\n" +
"Lines " + (" " + arrWordCount[i].lines.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_') + "\r\n" +
"Average characters per word \x2009" + (" " + (String.Format("{0:0.0}",((double)arrWordCount[i].charsNoSpacesBreaks / (double)arrWordCount[i].words)))).PadLeft(12, '_') + "\r\n" +
"Average characters per line \x2009" + (" " + (String.Format("{0:0.0}",((double)arrWordCount[i].charsNoBreaks / (double)arrWordCount[i].lines)))).PadLeft(12, '_') + "\r\n" +
"Average words per line \x2009" + (" " + (String.Format("{0:0.0}",((double)arrWordCount[i].words / (double)arrWordCount[i].lines)))).PadLeft(12, '_') + "\r\n" +
case 2:
// this layout has a problem if there are more then two word count objects, use the default layout instead
// set the length of our titles to a maximum of 12 characters (we can't have them being too long in this layout)
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++)
if(arrWordCount[i].title.Length > 12) arrWordCount[i].title = arrWordCount[i].title.Substring(0, 12);
// create our word count message
strMessage = string.Empty;
strMessage += "Clipboard Word Count";
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++) strMessage += new string(' ', 5) + (arrWordCount[i].title).PadLeft(12, '\x2002');
strMessage += "\r\n" + new string('\x203E', 60) + "\r\nWords";
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++) strMessage += new string(' ', 5) + (" " + arrWordCount[i].words.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_');
strMessage += "\r\n\r\nCharacters";
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++) strMessage += new string(' ', 5) + (" " + arrWordCount[i].chars.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_');
strMessage += "\r\nCharacters (no spaces)";
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++) strMessage += new string(' ', 5) + (" " + arrWordCount[i].charsNoSpaces.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_');
strMessage += "\r\nCharacters (no breaks)";
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++) strMessage += new string(' ', 5) + (" " + arrWordCount[i].charsNoBreaks.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_');
strMessage += "\r\nCharacters (no spaces or breaks)";
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++) strMessage += new string(' ', 5) + (" " + arrWordCount[i].charsNoSpacesBreaks.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_');
strMessage += "\r\n\r\nLines";
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++) strMessage += new string(' ', 5) + (" " + arrWordCount[i].lines.ToString()).PadLeft(12, '_');
strMessage += "\r\n\r\nAverage characters per word";
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++) strMessage += new string(' ', 5) + "\x2009" + (" " + String.Format("{0:0.0}",((double)arrWordCount[i].charsNoSpacesBreaks / (double)arrWordCount[i].words))).PadLeft(12, '_');
strMessage += "\r\nAverage characters per line";
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++) strMessage += new string(' ', 5) + "\x2009" + (" " + String.Format("{0:0.0}",((double)arrWordCount[i].charsNoBreaks / (double)arrWordCount[i].lines))).PadLeft(12, '_');
strMessage += "\r\nAverage words per line";
for(int i = 0; i < arrWordCount.Length; i++) strMessage += new string(' ', 5) + "\x2009" + (" " + String.Format("{0:0.0}",((double)arrWordCount[i].words /(double)arrWordCount[i].lines))).PadLeft(12, '_');
// display our word count message box
MessageBox.Show (
"Clipboard Word Count".PadRight(100, '\x2002'),
// we don't want to alter the original text on the clipboard, so return the same text as we received
return text;
public class objWordCount
public string title;
public int pages;
public int words;
public int chars;
public int charsNoSpaces;
public int charsNoBreaks;
public int charsNoSpacesBreaks;
public int lines;
public objWordCount(string strTitle, string strInput)
title = strTitle;
pages = new Regex(@"\f", RegexOptions.Multiline).Matches(strInput).Count + 1; // based on form feed characters, not very common these days
words = new Regex(@"\b\w+\b", RegexOptions.Multiline).Matches(strInput).Count;
chars = strInput.Length;
charsNoSpaces = Regex.Replace(strInput, @"[ \t\v]", string.Empty).Length;
charsNoBreaks = Regex.Replace(strInput, @"[\f\r\n]", string.Empty).Length;
charsNoSpacesBreaks = Regex.Replace(strInput, @"[\s]", string.Empty).Length;
lines = new Regex(@"[\n\r]{1,2}", RegexOptions.Multiline).Matches(strInput).Count + 1;