I've attached a macro that you can import for this. If you want to change the browser, you can update the "browserPath" variable
Hope that helps!
Thank you for making the macro, it is very easy to use
Have a small problem
This macro is every time you open a new browser window
Can the browser open a new tab instead of a new window? ?
In other words, my browser window is already running, and I need to open a new tab to access the URL in the clipboard
Instead of re-running a new browser window
Now you made this macro to open a new window instead of a label
Can it be optimized and changed to open label
Thank you
// Set the browser args (new window and URL)
//string browserArgs = "--new-window " + text;
It seems to have solved the problem? ? ?
Ah let me thank you again for the macro
// Set the browser args (new window and URL)
string browserArgs = "--new " + text;