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16 discussion posts
What happened to the setting for how long to wait to delete old Clipboard History items? Since upgrading from 6.0 Beta 6 to 6.2, I can't find the setting anymore. I used to have it set to 24 hours, and it seems that it's still being applied. But the setting for it is gone in the UI. But what brought my attention to this, is that in 6.0 Beta 6, the items older than 24 hours appeared to get automatically deleted in the background, even when the Clipboard Manager was not visible. But now on 6.2 I noticed after opening the Clipboard Manager that even items old than 24 hours were still visible, and then only after a few seconds the items older than 24 hours disappeared. I.e. it was like a "lazy refresh" that took so long it was extremely obvious.
3 days ago  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We moved that into the App Exceptions tab, you can adjust the "Delete History Item After" setting in the Default Copy Settings.

1 day ago  • #2
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16 discussion posts
Thanks. By the way, is it a known issue that everything in v6.2 is quite sluggish compared to earlier versions (e.g. v6.0 Beta 6 which I was using before). As I mentioned in this thread, the clearing out of the old items is quite sluggish, and as I mentioned in a different thread, the updating up the tray icon takes several seconds)? Also, I notice that whenever I do a 'Show Preview Poppup', even for text items, it seems to take 1-2 seconds, whereas earlier versions were pretty much instant. Has upgrading to .NET 8.0 caused everything to slow down, or is it something else? Is this known about on your end?
7 hours ago (modified 7 hours ago)  • #3
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