Just getting used to Clipboard Fusion after years of WIN+V and I have a quick question
Is it possible to automatically pin a entry based on the location of where it was copied from, such as a webpage?
Also, if this is possible is it possible to overwrite a previously pinned entry from the same website?
Jul 21, 2023 (modified Jul 21, 2023)
You can create a trigger that fires off the Process Filename of the app you want, and run the "Add Current Clipboard Contents to Local Pinned Items" hotkey in the action pane.
This will just add the item to the end of the pinned list though, so it won't overwrite. We do have that open as a feature request list, so I've added your vote to it.
Hi Owen,
Thanks for this and thanks for the add to the feature list.
For the Match Conditions, can this be set to wildcard text so if a Edge Browser windows text changes dependent on the number of tabs/pages open.
For example the Windows text from the crosshairs is ""Password Safe | BeyondInsight and 4 more pages - Work - Microsoft​ Edge" would "Password Safe" match this or would I need "Password Safe" * to match the rest of the text?
The match is a "Contains" match, so you don't need a wildcard, entering "Password Safe" should pick it up.