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166 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

I am sorry if there is a method posted somewhere, but I wasn't able to find it and I need help with three issues:

1. I have text scrubber trigger set on double copy, so sometimes when I am in a hurry to copy files (for example ABCD.PDF) in explorer or else where I habitually press CTRL+C couple of times and that engages the text scrubber. When I try to paste the file CTRL+V nothing happens. I am assuming it's because of the text scrubber. Also if I bring up the history menu I can see the file name(s) on the top and if I press it, it will open the last minimized application it can be any app. Is there a way for text scrubber to exclude files? Also are you able to reproduce the maximizing of the last minimized application?

2. Sometimes, I just want to copy the filename (ABCD.PDF), is there a macro or shortcut to get this done. Instead of pressing F2, then press CTRL+C to copy the filename, is there an easier method using CF? Especially if you have multiple files selected?

3. I have scrubber setup on double copy and it also shows notification when done. The text scrubber also has remove formatting option added in. However, if I goto any webpage, double copy a bunch of data, I get the confirmation toast set in scrubber but when I paste in Word 2016 I get the complete formatting (the same output we will get without text scrubber)? Can you help with this?
P.S: Settings for scrubber are attached as attachment

• Attachment [protected]: Trigger 1.png [118,094 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Trigger 2.png [84,049 bytes]
Sep 4, 2017  • #1
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166 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

Sorry for bothering so much. Need your help here :D

Sep 7, 2017  • #2
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
1. This will be all fixed up in the next ClipboardFusion Beta.

2. This may be possible with a Macro, but I'll have to test it out after the next beta, because the changes we're making to fix #1 will affect it :)

3. In your text scrubbing rule, make sure to enable the option to scrub HTML tags. I've attached a screenshot for reference.
• Attachment: ScrubHTML.png [86,048 bytes]
Sep 7, 2017  • #3
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166 discussion posts
1. This will be all fixed up in the next ClipboardFusion Beta.

2. This may be possible with a Macro, but I'll have to test it out after the next beta, because the changes we're making to fix #1 will affect it :)

Thanks Keith for clarifying. Any idea when the new Beta & Stable will be released? :)

3. In your text scrubbing rule, make sure to enable the option to scrub HTML tags. I've attached a screenshot for reference.

Regarding this please note it still doesn't work. Please goto the same website (as the video for high CPU) and do the same selection as before(as the video). Run it through the scrubber and when it comes out it in WORD 2016, it is the same as it would without a scrubber.

Sep 7, 2017 (modified Sep 7, 2017)  • #4
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ah yep, I can reproduce that as well. I think the issue is that ClipboardFusion is deadlocking (the CPU usage issue) before it gets to the scrubbing step. We'll re-test this after Beta 8 is released :)
Sep 9, 2017  • #5
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Thought so as well :)

Any idea for Beta 8 & stable v5 release dates? :D
Sep 9, 2017  • #6
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Hopefully within the next couple of weeks for both :)
Sep 11, 2017  • #7
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
We've just released a new ClipboardFusion Beta ( and the File Explorer copy/cut/paste issues should be all fixed up.

Sep 19, 2017 (modified Sep 20, 2017)  • #8
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166 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

The file issue works perfectly now. The trigger is ignored if you have selected a file and paste works fine after as well.

However, with the scrubbing it still doesn't seem to be working. Maybe I am doing something wrong. I have set it up just like you the screenshot you have attached. But if you run it as mentioned above (quoting below for ease) it still pastes as it would without the scrubbing effect.

Please goto the same website (as the video for high CPU) and do the same selection as before(as the video). Run it through the scrubber and when it comes out it in WORD 2016, it is the same as it would without a scrubber.

Sep 19, 2017 (modified Sep 19, 2017)  • #9
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Strange! The scrubbing works correctly for me using those same steps with Beta 8. If you delete your scrubbing rule, apply the settings, then create the rule again, does that change anything?
Sep 20, 2017  • #10
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166 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

Deleted the rule and created it again. Please find a video of the outputs that I get when I run a single copy and double copy (trigger for scrubbing). Kindly note that in case of scrubbing it should show a pop-up "Doing it".

Kindly let me know if I am following any wrong step.

Example Website in video:

• Attachment [protected]: Scrubbing Issue Video.mp4 [23,477,629 bytes]
Sep 20, 2017  • #11
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Ok, it looks like this is an issue with the amount of data that Chrome is putting on the clipboard. We're going to make another change for the next release that should fix it up.
Sep 21, 2017  • #12
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Ok, it looks like this is an issue with the amount of data that Chrome is putting on the clipboard. We're going to make another change for the next release that should fix it up.

Glad you got the issue narrowed down :D I do hope Beta 9 comes out soon :)

Thanks Keith. I hope you don't start hating me with all the ruckus (so many threads/issues) I am causing :P hehe
Sep 21, 2017  • #13
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
No worries at all, with any luck we should have a new version out on Monday :)
Sep 22, 2017  • #14
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166 discussion posts
Hey Keith,

I was testing the scrubbing again with the new stable v5, unfortunately it still doesn't work with the same scenario. Any settings I could change to make it work?

Sep 29, 2017  • #15
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
In the Advanced Settings, if you set the "Trigger Delay" on Double Copy setting to 5000, then wait 5 seconds after you do the double-copy, does it then work correctly? I believe this issue is due to the Triggers firing before Chrome has finished setting the clipboard. We added a 150ms delay, but let's see if a long 5 second delay is enough on your system and then we can back it off from there.
Sep 30, 2017  • #16
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166 discussion posts
Hey Keith,

That fixed it :D, started decreasing the value from 5000ms till the issue occurs again. And the sweet value is 600ms :D Have set it to 1000ms for just in case but all is fine now!

Thanks :)
Sep 30, 2017  • #17
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Excellent, glad to hear it!
Oct 2, 2017  • #18
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166 discussion posts
Hi Keith,

Sorry to bother you about this. Since the file handler issue has been fixed, as requested above could you help write up the macro that copies the complete file name including extension?

So once I select the file and press CTRL + SHIFT + C, CF just copies the complete filename with extension as text and that could be pasted easily. Also if possible, plays a sound file when operation is done.

Thanks :D
Oct 12, 2017 (modified Oct 12, 2017)  • #19
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Sure thing! Thomas whipped one up for you. Try out the attached macro :)
• Attachment: Get Filename from Clipboard.cfmacro [5,712 bytes]
Oct 12, 2017  • #20
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166 discussion posts
Oh, we got the big guns involved. Works perfectly!!!

Thanks Keith & Thomas!!

One last thing, I tried adding the following command before return text;

BFS.Audio.PlayWAV("C:\Windows\Media\Speech On.wav"); <-- This is Line 22

I get the following error:

Compile Failed.
Line 22: Unrecognized escape sequence
Line 22: Unrecognized escape sequence
Line 22: Unrecognized escape sequence

Did I miss something?

Never mind I noted later I missed "\\" in the file location -_-

Thanks again guys!!
Oct 12, 2017 (modified Oct 12, 2017)  • #21
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166 discussion posts
Created a new version of the macro that works when you have either multiple files or single file selected, using the version shared by Thomas :)

Thanks Thomas
Oct 13, 2017 (modified Oct 13, 2017)  • #22
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
Glad to hear it worked, and nice update! I've added it to the repository with Thomas and you in the credits :)

Oct 16, 2017  • #23
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166 discussion posts
Hey Keith,

Thanks for putting it in the repository, though all the credit goes Thomas. Made my life so much easier!

Oct 16, 2017  • #24
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
I have the same issue.
"Never mind I noted later I missed "\\" in the file location -_-"
"BFS.Audio.PlayWAV("C:\Windows\Media\Speech On.wav"); <-- This is Line 22"
So where to put the "\\" ???
Jan 20, 2023  • #25
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C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
bool ok = BFS.Audio.PlayWAV("C:\myfile.wav");

I did this one in my macro, no error message, but no sound as well.
BFS.Audio.PlayWAV("C:\\Windows\\Media\\Speech On.wav");
Jan 20, 2023  • #26
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
I was able to reproduce this on my end so I've added it to our list to look into.

Jan 20, 2023  • #27
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on
We've released a new beta that should have the playwav issue fixed up. Please let us know if you run into any issues after updating.

Feb 24, 2023  • #28
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