Jonathan D. Woodward
4 discussion posts
I noticed an issue with Indent/Unindent Text Macro (
I copy text to the clipboard (through context menu or ctrl+c) and it appears in Clipboard Fusion Maco. When I run the indent/unindent text macro in the clipboard history menu, no popup appears to enter a positive or negative value to indent text. Am I missing something? The macro hasn't been updated in nearly 10 years as well.
Running Clipboard Fusion Pro v6.1 on Win10 22H2.
It seems to work fine here, you'll set the indent number in the script itself though on line 8. Are you just looking to have a popup to let you select the indent number each time you run the script?
C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
Look in the Macro Help on the website and try this one BFS.Dialog.GetUserInputList. List will be something like -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 or whatever you need.
C# Clouseau
87 discussion posts
So something like this (two command lines (in bold) added:
int indentSize = 1; //Use negative or positve values
char indentChar = '\t'; //Tab character
string inputNr = BFS.Dialog.GetUserInputList("How many (un-) indent?", new string[] { "0", "-3", "-2", "-1", "1", "2", "3" });
Int32.TryParse(inputNr, out indentSize);
if (indentSize > 0)
We've just posted this one to the repository. When downloading through the Settings window it will just import it directly into ClipboardFusion.