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5 discussion posts
1.when use hot key to past item pleease do not change the history item swquence.

just like ditto is very good.

2.the setting doesn't seem to be working.

3.I would like the function that Automatically copy selected text. just like AutoClipX or DragKing
• Attachment: Snipaste_2022-01-11_13-56-16.png [63,024 bytes]
Jan 11, 2022  • #1
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

1) Are you looking to have it not re-arranged when pasting from the clipboard manager window?

2) We were able to reproduce this issue here, and I've added it to our list. We'll be sure to let you know as soon as we're able to fix it up :)

3) I'm not too sure what you mean here, could you expand a bit?

Jan 11, 2022  • #2
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5 discussion posts
Thanks you very much .
1.) look the picture 1 and picture 2 . So I can without regard to the clipboard manager window when I use hot key to past. Thanks


3.)I want the function , just like software AutoClipX or DragKing.That's a Switchable function .
look the picture 3 and picture 4
when I select the text , then the text was coppied .
Additional development work may be required,But it reduce using Ctrl+c.

4.)A better function is define the middle mouse (scroll) button to paste.
• Attachment [protected]: Snipaste_2022-01-13_10-31-20.png [48,110 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Snipaste_2022-01-13_10-31-29.png [38,189 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Snipaste_2022-01-13_10-41-28.png [35,899 bytes]
• Attachment [protected]: Snipaste_2022-01-13_10-41-33.png [279,792 bytes]
Jan 13, 2022 (modified Jan 13, 2022)  • #3
Owen Muhlethaler (BFS)'s profile on

1) If you disable "Show Clipboard Changes made by ClipboardFusion" on the Settings > Clipboard History tab, that should do what you're looking for

3) This is currently on our feature request list, so I've added your vote to it. We'll be sure to let you know if/when we're able to implement it in the future.

4) This is also on our feature request list.

Jan 14, 2022  • #4
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5 discussion posts
Hi,Thank you for solving my problem

1)May be the Chinese translation is not accurate.But for now it's working.

Brings up a phenomenon, the Clipboard Changes prompt also disappeared.

I am looking to have it not re-arranged onlywhen pasting from the clipboard manager window use hot key .That's just a suggestion

I would most likely recommend it to someone else.

I think we can close this issue now ,thank you very much!
Jan 15, 2022  • #5
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