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Igor Itkin
18 discussion posts
Hi, is there a way (maybe a macro) to count the word frequency of the copied text without counting "and" and "the"? This would be wounderfull.
Jun 29, 2020  • #1
Keith Lammers (BFS)'s profile on
This should be possible! A customer has already submitted this Macro that does a word count, so we'll see if we can modify it to ignore "and" and "the".
Jul 2, 2020  • #2
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Igor Itkin
18 discussion posts
Thank you for your reply. I saw this Macro but it's not what I am looking for. It counts the word but it does not say which is the most used word in the text.
Jul 3, 2020  • #3
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
I put something together that should work for you. Here's how to get it into ClipboardFusion:

  • Download the file attached to this email
  • Open the ClipboardFusion Settings window
  • On the "Macros" tab, click the "Import" button
  • Select the file you downloaded in the first step
  • In the window that pops up, you can review the code and assign the Macro a HotKey
  • Click OK to close the Macro Edit window, then OK again to save and apply your changes

• Attachment: Word Frequency.cfmacro [30,968 bytes]
Jul 6, 2020  • #4
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Igor Itkin
18 discussion posts
Thank you very much! But how to scroll down?
• Attachment: 06-07-_2020_17-05-44.png [37,504 bytes]
Jul 6, 2020  • #5
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
I've updated the Macro with a dialog that's able to scroll and resize.

I hope this works for you!
• Attachment: Word Frequency v2.cfmacro [43,648 bytes]
Jul 6, 2020  • #6
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Igor Itkin
18 discussion posts
Hi Thomas, thank you very much for helping me! The scroll works! Is there a way to make this makro understand Hebrew words? Because for Hebrew I dont get any results.
Jul 9, 2020  • #7
Thomas Malloch (BFS)'s profile on
I've updated the Macro to also accept the hebrew alphabet.

I hope this works for you!
• Attachment: Word Frequency v3.cfmacro [27,144 bytes]
Jul 10, 2020  • #8
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Igor Itkin
18 discussion posts
I've updated the Macro to also accept the hebrew alphabet.

I hope this works for you!

Thank you so much! Can I ask you for two small things? Make the font of the window bigger and the width a bit wider. 1000 thanks!!
Jul 15, 2020  • #9
Jon Tackabury (BFS)'s profile on
The font and size used is determined by your display settings and shared with the other DisplayFusion UI elements so it can't be changed directly, sorry.
Jul 17, 2020  • #10
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