Hello again.
I was just hopeful/curious if there was any movement on some improvements to this feature. Appreciate the work ya'll do.
I'd also like to add, that if/when it gets some attention, that there were an easier way to reorganize/sort entries. When you've got 600+ entries, the slow drag to the top is agonizing. It makes it hard to make sure you don't have duplicate/redunant entries. Being able to sort alphabetically, or even a right-click>send to top/bottom would be better than the current drag method. Also wish it would remember or default to ignoring-case.
In the interim, for anyone else looking for something similar, I've found a more workable solution through AutoHotKey.
A_Clipboard := StrReplace(A_Clipboard, "Science Fiction", "SciFi")
A_Clipboard := RegExReplace(A_Clipboard, "i)Science.*?Fiction", "SciFi")
If you have something simple, like the the string
Science Fiction,
StrReplace will handle that fine, and it's Case-Insensitive, so it'll also get
science fiction.
If you want to be more encompassing,
RegExReplace is more helpful, but by default is Case-Sensitive.
Adding the
i) there will force it to be Case-Insensitive.
.*? will have it capture any characters between the two strings (and also 0 characters).
So, that RegExReplace line will grab
Science Fiction,
sciencefiction, etc., and then replace it with
Since this is AutoHotKey, and the script/code is managed in a text editor, it's way more manageable/faster to iterate, update, and sort than ClipBoardFusion's current implemntation.
One would need to download/install AutoHotKey, and then copy/paste the above code into a text editor, save it as a .ahk, and then open that. You can add as many StrReplace and/or RegExReplace lines as you need, and modify the bits within the "" for your own needs. First set of "" is the target, second set is the desired replacement text. For the text editor, I'd recommend NotePad++. I use it for a variety of reasons, but in this use-case, the ability to sort lines alphabetically makes it a lot easier to organize large lists of replacements.
Hope that helps anyone else in need.